Sunday, September 26, 2021

Autumn Fun in Comox

September was a fun month up in Comox with a birthday girl turning 3! We had a nice family day with gifts and the beach followed by of course dinner and cake.
Its great that my daughter and family live so close to the beach that we can just take an afternoon walk and be there. Nothing like balloons on the beach in the sunshine.  

Then on the weekend there was a gathering at a petting farm in Coombs followed by a day at the Black Creek Pumpkin Fest. The birthday  party was so much fun and the kids all had fun checking out the animals and getting to ride a pony around the arena. This was followed by lunch and a hay wagon ride along the fence line of the property. 

This was a great place to bring kids from a wide range of ages. There were chickens, pigs, emus donkeys and so much more. 

The kids loved going for rides around the ring on the horses. Leaders carefully guided them around while the kids smiled.

Was great to be with family and friends of the birthday girl. It was a good place to bring your own picnic and sit and eat. I hope we can meet up here again as a family as it is half way between the two towns we live in. 

It always fills my heart when I can be together with all seven of my little grandchildren. They bring so much joy into my life. 

The next day was the Pumpkin Fest that we go to every year. Another fantastic place with animals for the kids to check out. The highlight though is the corn maze. 

Then there is the hay ride. Even though it was pouring with rain the kids had a great time. Thankfully once we were finished with the maze and ride they have a lovely place indoors with music and good food. 

The yearly tradition of attending the Corn Maze in Black Creek has been happening now for three or four years. It is definitely work the trip up island. 

Three days of family fun, a great way be spend the fall season! 


Sunday, September 12, 2021

Sooke Potholes to Leechtown

It was a beautiful day for a long hike. We had been to Sooke Potholes before but never ventured down them Galloping Goose Regional Trail as far as Leech town so that was our goal. I love the Sooke potholes, the river is always changing and there are just so many beautiful bits of creation. 

We found so many little treasures along the way on the path and even more man made treasures once we reached Leechtown. 

The green in the forests always looks so fresh and clean. So many shades that give me a sense of new life, abundant growth goodness in our world. 

It truly is a lovely trail to hike along, open and wide. We make many stops to take pictures of all the life we find along the way. We even nabbed a couple of caches along the trail. 

And the calmness of the water at this time of year and the peacefulness it brings to all as we look down and follow it's path. 

Treasure after treasure we find in creation. Everything so different and yet so perfect. It is amazing that all of creation lives together bringing beauty to each other. If only people could live like this. The past two year this covid virus has caused so much division in people and anger. Just because we don't all agree doesn't mean we can't accept and still care for one another. Just as the moss and the stump are very different, they live giving life to each other. Trees grow on top of rocks, nursing stumps give new life, all living together in harmony with each other. 

The river cuts through the rock each year deeper and deeper creating small canyons and pools. It works its way downward to the ocean. 

Finally we arrive at our destination. It is the site of an old goldmining town and then later the area was also used to house loggers. It is good that places like this are there to remind us of the history and those that came before us. 

We found some old remnants from the days folks worked and lived here on the way back and stopped to have some fun. This is the site of the managers cabin. 

It was a great day, a fun adventure and one I will probably do a few more times. Everytime you go out into the woods things have changed and new treasures are found!