Sunday, October 11, 2020

Thanksgiving 2020

 It was Thanksgiving weekend in amongst the Covid-19 pandemic. Number of cases had been on the increase these past few weeks but we decided we would gather as a family for our usual meal. As we are already seeing each other it really wouldn't make much difference. My youngest daughter and family were not coming down island this year and we missed having them with us but gathering around the table there was still 12 of us - twice the recommended limit. It's been such a struggle deciding what to do, who it's safe to see and where one can safely go. I feel like each choice I make it like playing Russian Roulette. You just never know if or how one can or will get infected and I am trying very hard to stay safe so that I don't pass it onto my family. 

So we gathered and enjoyed the usual turkey dinner with all the trimmings. The five little ones enjoyed being with each other and played so well together. It was actually very peaceful. Sadly I forgot once again to ask everyone what they were thankful for but I know we were all very thankful to be together. During this difficult time we have to take care and stay safe but we also have to take very good care of our mental health as well. For the little ones they need to be able to see their grandparents and great grandparents, the parents need the support of having the grandparents babysit from time to time and the grandparents need to have the connection with family. And so we continue to gather and at the same time do everything possible to stay safe. 

Even in this difficult difficult time we can gather and be thankful, thankful for our family, thankful for our friends and thankful for the wonderful meals we can share in. 

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Century Sam Lake

Century Sam lake has been on my to do list for some time and thankfully my daughter and friends agreed to take me along on their adventure. The road to the trail head is a very rough logging road and one requires a 4X4 to reach it so I was very thankful to hop in with them for the ride. 

The trail is around 9km's in and out to the lake with just over 400m elevation gain. So short but steep. After driving through four or five washed out areas we were unsure if the truck could make it through the next one so we ended up walking the last 1.5 km to the trail head. It wasn't steep but definitely up hill all the way. 

The trail is a well used one and this summer with covid has been extra busy with somedays finding over 100 people at the lake. Thankfully we waited til after the summer rush. 

We started out with the trail being muddy but rather level. Lots of logs to climb over and rocks to walk around and one log to cross over the river.  

Then we hit the uphill portion and it was up and up and up. Climbing up over tree roots and finding whatever we could to grab onto to pull ourselves up. I didn't take pictures as it was taking all my energy to carry on upward. The younger folks weren't struggling as much as I seemed to be but thankfully they waited for me and we took lots of breaks which certainly helped. 

The last 30 minutes we were out in the open walking over rocks and along a lovely creek with waterfalls from the water running down from the lake. 

The lake is a lovely green colour and very very cold. We continued on and climbed up over a rock bluff and headed to ward the ice caves at the end of the lake. 

I believe this waterfall comes from the Comox Glacier which is right above us. The trail to hike to the glacier starts at the same trail head but branches off and goes up and around the ridge  

There were quite a few caves and before we had reached them we could feel the cold air blowing off from them. 

As we entered them the cold water was like a shower dripping down from the ceiling. 

After a short exploration we headed back to the lake for a lunch break. It was a beautiful sunny day and it was wonderful to sit lakeside and enjoy the warmth. 

Heading down was just as slow as it was going up. I was just as slow going down making sure to not step on the wet roots, to find places to hang onto and to wind my way through the rocks and across the mud. At least doing down I wasn't out of breath but I did find myself having to sit down and slide over logs and rocks. I don't think I have ever been so muddy on a hike. 

Throughout the hike we had many people pass us in both directions which slowed down our progress. Thankfully it wasn't as busy as it had been but we probably passed at least 30 people on the trail. It always surprises me to pass people heading up when we are heading down and it's late afternoon. Often they are young people and not carrying the proper gear and yet I suppose they can hike much faster than I can. 

Eventually we reached the trail head and headed back down the logging road. We passed many trucks along the side and eventually reached our vehicle. We had hiked approximately 12 kms in 6.5 hours with lots of stops along the way. I sometimes feel like the time has come for me to give up hiking up to these mountain lakes and summits but as long as I have people to hike with I shall keep on going up as I know the exercise is good for me.

We live on a beautiful island and the more places I hike to out in the wilderness the more I appreciate my island home. The mountains and lakes are so beautiful and full of colour, especially in the fall when the leaves on the trees are changing colour.  Our creator certainly did an amazing job in creating all the living wonders in our world. 

Friday, October 2, 2020

Family adventures in Uclulet!

My sister celebrated her 60th birthday this September and after having to cancel her dream trip to Greece she invited my parents and myself to go to Uclulet for four days. It was so much fun being together again and going on a road trip. As children our family did lots of camping and traveling - once spending five weeks camping all across Canada going to every province except for NewFoundland. We were pretty lucky to see so much of this beautiful country of ours. 

The west coast is my favourite place to go but for some reason I hadn't made it out there in the last two years so I was so thankful to be given this time to be out by the open water and the sound of the crashing waves. 

We heading out fairly early in the morning stopping at a few of the places we did years ago. It was fun to drive along sharing memories and making new ones. I love stopping at river and walking out on the rocks. As a child I was always off exploring and earned the nickname of Simon Fraser so of course as I headed off across the rocks they were once again calling me Simon. 

One must make the most of every stop and check it out as nature is constantly changing and it is never the same year from year. 

As we arrived an hour before check in we headed to the Lighthouse to sit and watch the waves crash against the rocks. The strength in the waves is just amazing. The power they have as they hit the rocks wearing them away wave after wave, year after year. There were benches to sit on which as great for my parents as my Dad can't walk far these days so we just enjoyed sitting and watching for the big waves to come. 

We checked in to our home away from home, The Cabins at Terrace Beach and found our beds and settled in. Shared in a meal and then my sister and I wandered down to the beach which is a little protected bay. It was quiet and peaceful place to sit and get caught up with each other. We don't see each other a lot as she lives on the mainland and only comes over three or four times a year when able. 

The next morning after a great breakfast we left Dad at the cabin and headed out to do the loop of the Wild Pacific Trail at the Lighthouse. The trail is one way due to Covid so we headed off and looped through the Bog area where there were lots of little plants and many cool trees growing on the soft squishy soil. Even the trail was a bit bouncy. 

Back on the mail trail we headed towards the water. There are many lookout and benches along the trail and a great place to bring the kids to. 

Our west coast can be pretty rugged in places but thankfully there are trails where all people can stroll along and enjoy the views.

 It was great that my Mom of 85 years is still able to get out on the trails and take in all the views. I think it helps to keep a person young if they are able to be out in the woods and by the waters. 

Returning to the cabin a couple of hours later we had lunch and then headed out to tour the area. Ucluclet, although not as well known as Tofino has a higher population and hosts the schools for both towns. We drove down the the marina on the inlet side of the town.

 Then crossed back over to the outer coast stopping at Brown's beach. A beautiful park that made us think we were in Hawaii and not Canada. LOL Lots of interactive items for children to enjoy and learn about nature. I would definitely  love to bring my grandchildren out here. 

That evening we headed out and went chasing the sunset ending up at the Lighthouse again where there was the best view. My sister and I headed down the trail taking loads of pictures. 

When we returned to the lighthouse my parents were standing at the best place of all. They had the sun setting on their right and the moon rising on their left. It was a magical evening and one I will treasure. 

The following morning was my sister's birthday and we headed off to Tofino to the very popular Long Beach. This stretch of the coast is long sandy beaches, not the rocky coast of Uclulet. 

Many surfers come here to try their skill on the waves. We walked along the beach and just watched the waves. Not as much action of course as when they are crashing up along the rocks but peaceful. 

There were so many beautiful artworks created by nature along the walk. We are so blessed in nature on this island. 

After the beach walk we headed in to the town and found a lovely park over looking the marina on the inside waters. We had our lunch here and then headed back to our cabin in the woods. 

Dropping off our parents my sister and her husband headed to the other end of the Wild Pacific trail and wandered to through the Cedar forest and then went out to the bluffs on the end of the trail. 

It was a great trail and we should have taken more time to sit and enjoy the views but didn't want to be gone too long. We stopped on the way home at a park so that I could grab one cache to mark the trip. 

We did a short walk to Jeff's bench, nabbed the cache and returned home. 

That night we picked up a cake and some Fish n Chips from Howlers Family restaurant and celebrated by sister's 60 years of life. As our family is big on card playing the evening was spent playing Wicked and sharing in lots of laughs. 

The following morning we packed up our belongings and headed for home along the same highway. Did make a lunch stop in Port Alberni for a picnic lunch and then we were home by mid afternoon.

It was a great family vacation. We hadn't gone on a trip like that together in years so it was a very special time and one we can treasure in the years to come. Family is so important and we are all so thankful that we are a close family and can still have fun together after all these years.