Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Kindness and Living a Compassionate Life

What is kindness? Well if you look it up it seems to mean the act of being kind, good and charitable behaviour. It is also known as a virtue in many cultures and religions. Maybe that is why being kind is something most of us strive for and what we would like to be known for. It isn’t always so easy.

I have been trying to be a kind person for most of my life and a lot of the time my actions can be kind. They say that kindness is having a pleasant disposition and concern for others. Now mostly I feel I am pleasant and I care so much about people, my family, my friends and others that I meet or hear about. Research has shown that acts of kindness do not only benefit receivers of the kind act, but also the giver. When such acts are committed they cause the release of neurotransmitters which give us feelings of contentment and relaxation. It all sounds so good and I believe it is true. When I help others through my work I feel good about who I am and what I have done. There is a warm feeling in my heart. Unfortunately I don’t seem to take it any further.

Compassion I feel is taking kindness one step further. Living a life of compassion is always doing the right thing, thinking of others, acting on those thoughts and putting others first. Feeling compassion for others isn’t enough, it takes action to live a compassionate life.

This world is full of people with multiple homes, multiple luxuries and more food that they could possibly eat in a day. Professional athletes and movie and music stars get paid millions per year for sharing the gifts God has given them. Our society worships these stars and is willing to pay good money in order to watch them perform. The people in government get paid top dollar for running the “business” side of countries.

In this world over a billion people are without homes, millions of people go hungry every day, and children die from starvation and illnesses that easily could be prevented with the right medical care. We live in a world so full of riches, and yes those riches are held by so few. Where are their hearts? Where is their compassion?  Where is mine? Life is so full of injustice, as my Dad always says to me “nothing is fair in this old world”, and he is so right

If we all lived lives of compassion there wouldn’t be such a thing as poverty. All children would have homes, warm meals and live lives full of happiness. Young adults wouldn’t be sent to fight wars and all people could live a life of peace.  It really is all so very possible, it just takes every single person to live a life of love, kindness and compassion. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if everyone woke up tomorrow and felt called to share all that they had with others, that the wars ceased and we lived a life of peace. We all can make it happen.

This planet we live on is so full of beauty and riches that go beyond anyone’s imagination. It’s such a shame that so few respect it and so few get to enjoy it. There is enough in this world for everyone to share in it's riches. All things are possible and maybe, just maybe one step at a time we will get there. It can begin acts of kindness towards others, it can move into a life of compassion, it can with faith move forward into a world of justice for all. We must have hope.