Sunday, April 8, 2018

White Space

Many years ago at our church where I work we had two new people come to minister to us. Bulletins were reformatted to make them easier to read - as the minister said "white space" was added so that our eyes weren't over loaded. Our hallways were cleared of most of the bulletin boards and things were just all around tidied and cleaned up. What a change it made to our church. Things were brighter, more welcoming and much more calming. We had added what I now like to call "white space" - an area that is uncluttered by words and items that can cause our minds to be overwhelmed. Those days of keeping the church office and building clear taught me a lot and I find when I declutter my office I can work and think so much easier. 

Lately I have been cleaning up my house - getting rid of the knick knacks  (mainly due to my new feline friend) and trying to bring some of that white space into my home. I find my home much more restful and hopefully more inviting to those who come to visit. It's not perfect by any means. I have grandchildren and way too many toys for them to entertain themselves with but some things are just necessary.

This past Easter there were six services offered over three days at our church. I have never been one to skip Easter but this year I decided I needed to. I needed to have some time away from work and being busy. I needed to add some "white space" into my very full and busy life so I ran away to my "home away from home" in Comox. 

My daughter and son in law have a beautiful home there that is only a five minute walk from the ocean and a ten minute walk to some beautiful forest trails and I know I am always welcome to stay and visit. 

I spent two days there hiking and caching and just taking in the beauty of our wonderful island. It restored me, helped me to relax, refocus and to just be happy. 

Our first hike was a small two hour stroll through the woods near their home. A lovely huge forested park where many go and walk their dogs. Yes it is also full of caches so a one hour stroll turned into a two hour hike much to my daughter's dismay. 

Saturday we went with friends up to Campbell River and hiked the Ripple Rock trail. The 8km trail is so beautiful and I certainly will return to hike it again. 

 It has a couple of steep parts but the views are well worth the climb. Between the view points you walk along a forested ridge looking down at the water.

 The trail takes you out to a view point that looks down on Seymour Narrows and Ripple rock. Ripple Rock is an underground mountain which in the past was causing problems with the shipping route. In 1958 they "blew" the top off of it in the largest non nuclear explosion ever. I guess they created their own "white space" so the ships could safely pass through. 

The waters in the narrows are memorizing to sit and watch as the small whirl pools come and go. It was a great hike with much to take in and enjoy and a wonderful way to end my time with my daughter. 

The rest of the weekend was spent at home with my family enjoying Easter breakfast together, an egg hunt and

even going to the Forest Museum to ride the train. 

It was a weekend that was full of blessings and good times. I was able to return to work feeling rested and restored. 

Our lives can get so full and so busy that we become overwhelmed with all that we need to do. It is so important for us to take time for ourselves and create some space in our lives. Whether it involves tidying up our living and working areas, taking time away from everything to go hike a trail or sitting quietly to meditate, or head out on a an adventure with friends. We all need that "white space" in our calendars and in our lives so that we can truly be present when we need to be. 

Our society has gotten so busy, so fast moving that at times things can just blur into each other. Some may feel guilty taking time out for themselves but I think we all need those breaks. If we walk into a room and it is full of can we even begin to see what is actually there - it can be overwhelming. If our schedules are so full of commitments how can we breathe and feel peaceful. I hope that we can all find some "white space" - not only in our physical spaces but also in our lives. It truly will and does make a difference.