I have never been very good at making decisions or making up
my mind about what I want in life. Keeping things the same is easy, making
changes never is but neither come with guarantees. In life there are no
guarantees that you will be happy, that things will continue to carry on and
life will be great.
I have been thinking about some things in my life this past
month or so but never really making any moves towards making a decision. Time
is running out. If I want things to change I need to do it very soon. So today
I thought I better really get moving on this and so who better to ask for
guidance but God. Now where to find God was the next step.
I laughed as I thought of the differences between the two
people who offer me guidance in life. One says I need to mediate daily for at
least 20 minutes to help me reflect on life, the other one believes movement
out in nature brings you closer to God. So there I was another decision to make in
order to try and make some decisions. Part
of me was pulled towards climbing up the mountain to the cross, always a
comforting place for me, another idea was to head to the beach, my old decision
making place and the other idea was to
mediate, something I used to do daily but have not really practiced faithfully in
7 years.
Well the weather wasn’t great, my “rescue” people were
probably out of town so the hike to the cross idea was dismissed. The ocean beach, well it is not as close, the
gas tank is low so forget that idea and besides it is very windy out. So I
decided to go for a walk/run around the neighbourhood and try the “out in
nature idea”. It went well but no decision was made as I returned home so I
decided to mediate for 20 minutes, and after 15 very restless minutes I gave
that up as there still was nothing.
My two attempts at getting close to God for an answer have
me laughing at myself. I know I don’t need to do any of these things, that God
is always right here within and around me. So you know what? I decided I don’t
have to make any decisions. Whatever is meant to be will happen. I shall just trust God to know what is best
and well if in four months from now I am kicking myself, it won’t be because I
made a wrong choice, it will be for just letting things be and not paying
attention to what God called me to do.
So after spending the afternoon contemplating what decision
to make, which pathway to take, I am going to do what I always do and well, do
nothing and pray that it all turns out well for everyone involved. Hopefully
this way no one will be hurt, everyone, including myself will feel useful and fulfilled,
and life will be good.
Now for a movie, popcorn and an ice-cream float...so much
better than decision making!
I have a feeling that you will continue to make all the right decisions, Linda - starting with knowing when some popcorn and an ice-cream float is the perfect way to end a day. That would certainly work for me! :) Nice reflection.