have always been drawn to the moon so much so that years ago I had my daughter
paint me a picture of a woman with her arms extended upwards to a beautiful
full moon in the dark night sky. It hangs in my bedroom where I can view it
each night. Tonight the moon was full and said to be 14X brighter and closer to
earth than usual. So of course out I went to seek the moon. It was brilliant, huge
and bright as it came into view. I am not really sure what draws me to the full
moon, the light that it brings on a dark night, the brilliant yellow glow that
comes off of it or the face that is always looking down upon me. Somehow though
when I sit and admire it’s beauty I feel spiritually filled. I feel closer to
God when I see the moon even more so than a colourful sunrise or sunset. It reminds
me of the beauty of all that God created and how wonderful this world is. Maybe
that is why I am drawn to seek out the moon, because it brings me a sense of
peace and fulfilment and a feeling of happiness
Perhaps it is in identifying and seeking out such experiences that we experience the fullness and depth of a vibrant and rewarding life. As for you and the full moon, we usually have to leave the security of "home" to achieve that. That takes a measure of courage. It's all about the effort. Well done. D.
ReplyDeleteYou could be right Duncan. Next full moon I need to be prepared and either head to the mountaintop or to the ocean shore. Last night was still pretty cool :)