Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mother's Day

Every six years I am blessed to share Mother's Day with my son's birthday. This year of course we couldn't all be together at my small place so I invited my parents over and my son and his son's as his wife had to work. We gathered on my small patio and shared in a meal trying to stay apart as much as possible.

It was good to see my son with his boys. He has three and he is an amazing Dad. He does so much with working full time and taking care of them every moment of the day. He just loves being a Dad as much as I have always loved being a Mom. Being a Mom is my greatest joy in life, although being a Nana may top being a Mom.  

Celebrating the mother's and women in our world is so important and a day that I always look forward to spending with my Mom. 

My Mom has been there for me and all of our family since day one. She was a stay at home Mom during our growing up years and there wasn't a day when there weren't wonderful baked cookies in our house for when we came home from school. She did so much for us all, always cooking and cleaning and volunteering at the school. Many neighbourhood kids hung out at our place because it was a good place to be and all were welcome. As the grand kids and great grand kids are added to our family my Mom continues to bake cookies for everyone and babysit and just be there whenever she is needed. A great role model for all of us. 

Even though I wasn't able to be with the three young Mom's in my life we were together in spirit. They are all great Moms and are there for their children just as my Mom was always and still is there for me. Thanks Mom and thank you to my daughters for always being three women I am so very proud of. 

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