Saturday, May 9, 2020

Breaking free during Covid

They have finally lifted some of the restrictions so I am back seeing my family and getting out on some hikes. I know we will be eventually back in lock down so I am making the most of this time. 
First thing was an outdoor family gathering so that everyone could meet Evan. 
Sara and Garret came down for the day and we met at Amy's house outside where the kids could play and we could social distance somewhat. 

It was great to finally all be together again. I finally had all seven of my grand kids in the same space. Times are so precious when we are all together. 

The kids had so much fun playing in the yard and on the slide but most importantly the Great Grandparents got to meet their newest great grandson. 

It's been really hard for the elders of our family and community as to protect themselves from the virus they have all been staying home and apart from other people. I have been doing their grocery shopping and for two months was pretty much the only person they saw. 

Although we needed and still need to stay apart to keep ourselves physically safe we also have to think of our mental health and the tole it is taking on folks. 
We had such a good two hour visit and then we left so that others could come
 and meet him as well. Doing what we can to be together and yet keep everyone safe. 

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