Sunday, May 17, 2020

Cumberland Medicine Bowls

Up in Comox visiting my daughter's family we headed out on a social distancing hike with some friends to Cumberland to visit the little medicine bowls.

 It is a huge area that was once a huge mining village. We headed up on the old roads and after a short distance came to the river. It was only a little creek really but beautiful all the same. 

I popped down and went down a trail to find the medicine bowls while the others stayed up top. I really wanted to see them as I had never been there before. There isn't much of a trail along the creek and I am not sure how far it actually goes. 

After a couple of minutes I came to this place of beauty. It always amazing me what water can do. How it erodes layers of rock over time an creates so many different and wonderful rock formations.  I could have stood there watching the water flow for some time but sadly had to quickly snap a few pictures and head back to the main road. 

This area is famous for it's acres and acres of bike trails. Thankfully there are many maps posted. We turned off on a black double diamond trail that had us going down some very steep sections but thankfully we all managed even the two parents who were carrying babies in packs. It was a fun hour hike and one I definitely want to go and do again and explore the many trails that are there. One could spend a whole day and I am certain would never be bored with the surroundings. There is also a disc golf course! 

It wasn't until we got back to the main road that I noticed that my young granddaughter seems to be taking after her Mom - out hiking with a Starbucks cup by her side. 

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mother's Day

Every six years I am blessed to share Mother's Day with my son's birthday. This year of course we couldn't all be together at my small place so I invited my parents over and my son and his son's as his wife had to work. We gathered on my small patio and shared in a meal trying to stay apart as much as possible.

It was good to see my son with his boys. He has three and he is an amazing Dad. He does so much with working full time and taking care of them every moment of the day. He just loves being a Dad as much as I have always loved being a Mom. Being a Mom is my greatest joy in life, although being a Nana may top being a Mom.  

Celebrating the mother's and women in our world is so important and a day that I always look forward to spending with my Mom. 

My Mom has been there for me and all of our family since day one. She was a stay at home Mom during our growing up years and there wasn't a day when there weren't wonderful baked cookies in our house for when we came home from school. She did so much for us all, always cooking and cleaning and volunteering at the school. Many neighbourhood kids hung out at our place because it was a good place to be and all were welcome. As the grand kids and great grand kids are added to our family my Mom continues to bake cookies for everyone and babysit and just be there whenever she is needed. A great role model for all of us. 

Even though I wasn't able to be with the three young Mom's in my life we were together in spirit. They are all great Moms and are there for their children just as my Mom was always and still is there for me. Thanks Mom and thank you to my daughters for always being three women I am so very proud of. 

Cowichan River and Small Things

Sunday morning and time for a hike along the Cowichan River. We decided we only had time to do a short hike as it was Mother's day and we had family commitments later on. We headed out on the Trans Canada trail again but this time turned off and followed part of the Cowichan River trail for a few km's
It's a beautiful trail but there were places where the river bank has washed away during the winter so it will take some work to reroute the trail Needless to say we had to do a bit of bushwacking. 

The Cowichan River is a beautiful river that flows down from Cowichan Lake through our valley and into Cowichan Bay. It is where I took my children swimming through all of their growing up years. The water is cold and fresh and every year the river looks a little bit different as it changes it's course with winter storms. 

As we hiked along I couldn't help but notice all the little fungi and flowers along the trail. I feel that these months of being home alone and not being able to get out has helped me to appreciate some of the smaller things in life and also realize that there are so many things we take for granted. 

 Along the trails were flowers, trillium, wild roses and dogwood, each sharing their colours and beauty with us. I love that the Dogwood is our province's flower. It's so wonderful to come across them growing in the forests. 

I am always amazed by the beauty and strength of the mushrooms and am quite content to leave them where they grow. They are one of my least favourite foods and I am certain the ones along the trail are not edible. 

It's always fun to find them growing on the trees and old logs. They seem to just pop out among all the greenery. 

It was a great hike and a nice way to start off Mother's Day. The Cowichan River is one of favourite places to be. The sounds and sights are just so renewing to my spirit. A good place to renew and reboot and prepare for whatever life brings to us. 

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Breaking free during Covid

They have finally lifted some of the restrictions so I am back seeing my family and getting out on some hikes. I know we will be eventually back in lock down so I am making the most of this time. 
First thing was an outdoor family gathering so that everyone could meet Evan. 
Sara and Garret came down for the day and we met at Amy's house outside where the kids could play and we could social distance somewhat. 

It was great to finally all be together again. I finally had all seven of my grand kids in the same space. Times are so precious when we are all together. 

The kids had so much fun playing in the yard and on the slide but most importantly the Great Grandparents got to meet their newest great grandson. 

It's been really hard for the elders of our family and community as to protect themselves from the virus they have all been staying home and apart from other people. I have been doing their grocery shopping and for two months was pretty much the only person they saw. 

Although we needed and still need to stay apart to keep ourselves physically safe we also have to think of our mental health and the tole it is taking on folks. 
We had such a good two hour visit and then we left so that others could come
 and meet him as well. Doing what we can to be together and yet keep everyone safe.