Sunday, October 27, 2013

Autumn’s my favourite season of all. The skies are clear blue, the air crisp and clean and the leaves so full of colour.
The dark red maples
Every day I try to walk along the pathways, looking up at the leaves, taking in their colour. There are so many shades of oranges, yellows and reds.
The yellows and oranges
The maples are my favourite, some large and orange others small and deep red. They fall gently floating down to land along the pathway and in the forests.
Leaves along the pathways
And every now and then, God shows me something extra special. A special leaf that makes me smile and laugh and be so thankful for all that I have been blessed with.

A special leaf smiling up at me

Autumn Colours

                              Life, laughter and one special leaf, life is so good.



  1. Autumn is my favourite season is a time of dramatic transition and change, a time when Nature takes a deep breath and lets go in anticipation of new beginnings. Even here, in northern Scotland, the maple leaf is happily part of all that's "falling" - lots and lots of them. So Canadian, eh?! :) Thanks L. D.

  2. Glad you are enjoying them over there as well...don't you like the little happy face on the leaf's pretty you wish you had one :)
