Monday, June 25, 2012

Invisible Strings

Friendships, they come in many shapes and forms but to me the deepest and truest friendships are the ones that are connected by invisible strings. It doesn’t matter if you see the person daily or if they live far away but if it is a true loving friendship you will always feel connected.
There is a children’s book called “Invisible strings” written by Patrice Karst. In this book a mother shares with her children how she is always with them even when they can’t see her because they are connected by invisible strings. I love this book because I believe it to be true. The people that we love and care about are always with us in our hearts, and in our thoughts. We feel their love and care and return that love to them even when we are apart . We are, connected by invisible strings.
An “Invisible string” friend to me is someone who you can open your heart to, be honest with and be whoever you are, knowing and trusting that they will not judge you but just love and accept you. It has taken me a long time to be able to have that kind of relationship. A person who I can tell my secrets to, act silly with, cry in front of and not worry later what they think. Friends who are there for each other, through both the hard and good times. Many people have had these deep friendships their whole lives but for me it has taken time to be able to trust.
Over these past few years I have developed a few of these trusting friendships and they mean the world to me. Most of them I see weekly if not daily and we have a very special bond. With two of them, life will soon shift and our daily connection will cease, but I know we will still be in touch, spend time together and always be connected, even when they travel afar.  We are connected by invisible strings.
I am very thankful that I live in the same town as my three children. We don’t see each other each day or even each week but we always have some type of communication or connection. In today’s world it is so easy to be in daily communication via email, cell phone, facebook, etc.  We don’t have to be face to face to share adventures together. They know they can reach me pretty much 24/7 and although I may not hear from them or contact them for days or weeks at a time, we are always connected by invisible strings.
So at the end of this week when my co-workers and trusted friends retire I will not be saying good bye to them. I am going to miss them but I know we have a deep heartfelt friendship that will carry on and even when apart we will always be connected. If I don’t hear from them for a while, well, I shall just give that "invisible string" a tug and I know they will feel it and we will share in that same caring connection that we have had for these past nine years.

Invisible strings, they are the best, they keep us connected to those who we deeply care about and love.
                                                       D & J my "invisible string" friends


  1. What a warm and enriching post to read, L. We'll always be there, you know you will be for us.

    Hugs and tugs, D and J.

  2. I'll always be there too! Nice post. You should give the sermon on Sunday.

  3. Ah my invisible string friends...You are the best!
    Thanks for stopping by and Cath, I shall skip on the sermon always do a fantastic job!
