Headed out this morning at 6 am ...in the dark.....the streets were quiet and peaceful. Heading back an hour later, the skies were lighter but there was a great bank of fog hanging low in the valley as I drove home amongst the traffice. Twenty five minutes later as I headed back into town, I crested the hill and there was the sun, shining in all its glory, in a beautiful clear blue sky. I could see the fog bank now hanging over the bay area in the distance. Down the hill into the city the streets were busy with traffic, but the skies were clear and sunny, the air crisp and cool.
Fall my favourite season of the year.....it has arrived!
I love the fall too - so many memories of crunching through the Ontario forests with blazing maples, cool nights, and the warmth of a bonfire on the beach at the cottage. Seems like just yesterday. :) D.