I do my best to share my love of the outdoors with my family and friends. I want to explore and find new places and new things to see. 

During this month I wasn't able to travel anywhere but there were many new things to find along the local trails.
There were cold sunny days, rainy days and days that felt like summer. This life on the island really couldn't get much better!
I managed a couple of trips to Bright Angel park with the boys to check out life along the Koksilah River,
bubbling blowing at the playground with the kids and many hikes down the Cowichan and Trans Canada trails.
Each time we go out we always find something new to see and share with each other. There are always smiles and laughter and moments of intrigue.
Creation, people, trees, fungi,
insects, birds and plants, they are so amazing and wonderfully created.
I truly hope that my grandchildren and some day my great grandchildren will be able to explore the woods and forests as I do and get the same enjoyment that I have found by being out in nature. There is no better medicine for one's soul than to be outdoors especially when you can share it with family and friends.
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