Sunday, October 11, 2020

Thanksgiving 2020

 It was Thanksgiving weekend in amongst the Covid-19 pandemic. Number of cases had been on the increase these past few weeks but we decided we would gather as a family for our usual meal. As we are already seeing each other it really wouldn't make much difference. My youngest daughter and family were not coming down island this year and we missed having them with us but gathering around the table there was still 12 of us - twice the recommended limit. It's been such a struggle deciding what to do, who it's safe to see and where one can safely go. I feel like each choice I make it like playing Russian Roulette. You just never know if or how one can or will get infected and I am trying very hard to stay safe so that I don't pass it onto my family. 

So we gathered and enjoyed the usual turkey dinner with all the trimmings. The five little ones enjoyed being with each other and played so well together. It was actually very peaceful. Sadly I forgot once again to ask everyone what they were thankful for but I know we were all very thankful to be together. During this difficult time we have to take care and stay safe but we also have to take very good care of our mental health as well. For the little ones they need to be able to see their grandparents and great grandparents, the parents need the support of having the grandparents babysit from time to time and the grandparents need to have the connection with family. And so we continue to gather and at the same time do everything possible to stay safe. 

Even in this difficult difficult time we can gather and be thankful, thankful for our family, thankful for our friends and thankful for the wonderful meals we can share in. 

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