Friday, June 12, 2020

Englishman River Falls

This weekend I popped my Covid bubble and let my friend and hiking pal in. We had been social distance hiking and meeting at trail heads for two months but as there are no cases on our beautiful island we decided we could travel together until the number of cases come back up. 
So off we went to Englishman River Falls Provincial Park. I haven't been there in about 12 years. The trail itself isn't that  long and so we were only an hour or two out in the woods. We even managed to find three caches along the way. 

We started out going to the Lower falls which are much smaller but so beautiful in their own way. There were people there swimming in the river even though it really wasn't all that warm. 

We then headed up along the trail to the large falls noticing some unique rocks formations along the way. I felt it really looked like the face of a monkey

There were lots of people along the path but there was also a peaceful presence. There is something about hiking along the riverbanks that I find give me a wonderful sense of peace. During this Covid time that feeling is so important to find. I am determined to not let this pandemic get the best of me!

We could hear the falls long before we saw them. They are huge and the noise is deafening as the water crashes down over them. 

We continued along the trail to reach the top of the falls and were delighted to find this calming place filled with Inuksuks that people had built. Here above the falls the water was quiet and a beautiful blue-green. A great place for snack break. I was so tempted to go wading but the thought of having wet feet in my socks is not very appealing. 

Heading back we took one last look at the falls and headed for the car and home. Our first outing was definitely a success and hopefully we can get many more hikes in before they lock us up when the second wave of the virus appears. 

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