For over a year my daughter and I have been wanting to hike up Mount Prevost from Bings Creek. We have driven up the mountain many times beginning when I was a child and then when she was a child but both of us really wanted to hike from the bottom up.
We finally found a time that worked for us both and off we headed bringing the dog along. It was a beautiful hike among the trees and the weather cooperated.
It is a trail that is up and then more up and then more up!
The trees and the flowing creek made it all worth the while though. It truly is a beautiful hike.
There is a very small section where you climb up using a was a bit difficult for the dog but with my daughter pulling and me helping from below we managed to get her up.
Once up the views were just wonderful. We sat and had an early lunch and just enjoyed looking down on the valley.
We are so blessed to live in the Cowichan Valley surrounded by magnificent mountains that allow us to hike, climb and enjoy some fantastic views!
So ropes are not really my thing. Going up is fine but coming down is a whole different matter. I was a bit anxious. When we got to the top of the roped there were three hikers waiting to come up and well long story short one of the nice gentleman came and helped guide my feet so that I could get down. The dog had no problem nor did my daughter. This is the second hike involving a rope that I have gone on with my daughter and both times we have switched roles. She has become the encouraging parent and I the scared child. LOL
It was very steep hike but going down was a bit faster. It took us about five hours to do the 11 km hike with a nice break at the top.
I love getting some hiking time in with my adult children. This day was perfect!
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