I invited three of my hiking pals to come with me and we set off rather early to try and reach Sombrio by low tide. There is a hidden waterfall there that I have been wanting to find and I was sure I would!
After an hour and half drive through foggy skies we arrived at the trail head. I was pleasantly surprised to see a nice wide newly graveled pathway down to the beach plus there were new toilets installed and other upgrades since I had last been there.
There were a few people camped along beach, some with young children and I realized it was a great place to bring the kids to and my brain began to plan. As the tide wasn't that low and we knew time was short we headed off in the direction that I believed the waterfall to be.
We searched along the bush line looking for a creek and we did find one or two but after a bit of bushwacking each lead ended with no where to go. Sadly we returned to the trailhead an headed over to the west side of the beach and did some exploring over there. It was neat to see the cliff with the rope hanging down that I had climbed up many years ago. It didn't look near as scary now as it had felt back then.
We found a spot and sat and had our lunch enjoying the sounds of the waves as they came upon the shore and the lovely sound of the pebbles as they were taken back out by the wave, it was musical.
Never one to sit for long I rounded up the gang after about 45 minutes and we headed off back to the car to continue down the coast line.
The hike into Mystic beach was much longer and a bit rougher of a trail. It wove through a beautiful forest of fir and cedar trees. The path was soft under our feet and there were many roots to navigate.
When we arrived there was just enough shoreline left for us to go and stand under the waterfall that comes from the cliff. The fresh water splashes down into the ocean. It would be great on a hot day.
We explored the small caves along the shoreline and walked the beach.

We found a spot to rest and once again just enjoyed the views and the sounds of being out in creation. It was nice to sit there and watch the sun slowly lower itself in the sky. Just total peacefulness.
We headed back to the car and drove into Sooke to share in a lovely birthday meal. It was a fantastic day and I am so thankful to have friends to spend time with on my birthday adventures. Friends are what make aging all okay.