Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Family hikes and outings

This past two months we seem to have been able to gather as a family quite often. It is so wonderful to have all the littles together and see how well they get along and play together.  As much as I love getting out hiking with my friends and getting a good workout and elevation, hiking with my family also brings me great joy. 

Lives get so busy that it is easy to let time with family slip away. To not make the time to schedule in dates when we can all be together. The more grandkids that arrive the more we seem to be able to connect. 

Our first hike with the six littles was up Little Cobble Hill mountain. It's a great two hour hike for families and lots of fun caches for little ones to find. The older two were right into finding caches and the younger ones walked along or were carried in packs so everyone had a great time. A picnic stop was required and I took the opportunity to get a "Nana" picture. The kids like to tease me about always taking group pictures of us all but someday I know these pictures are going to be my joy as I look back and remember.

It is great to be outdoors with the little ones and point out all the plants and and trees and they are great at finding all the slugs and bugs along the trail. Little things that I might take for granted are new and exciting for them.

We also managed a weekend up in Comox for Canada Day and although we didn't hike, we did get outdoors and they had so much fun playing in the yard 

and down at the beach. There are many things to explore when you are outdoors.  

It was a good reminder for me to always find time in my busy life for them. I know they will grow up so fast and if I am not careful they will all be busy with school and activities before I know it. I want them to experience creation first hand and learn to explore and love the forested trails and wide open beaches as much as I do. 

Happy Canada Day! What an amazing part of the world I live in. So blessed in creation and so blessed with these little creations. 

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