Thursday, July 13, 2017


This past Saturday we had a family reunion with all of the descendants of my Grandpa and Grandma - Edward and Annie Evans. Its been over ten years since we have gathered and we have grown in numbers but also lost a few. There are only four of the seven siblings still with us so it was well past time to gather. 

My family has deep roots here in the valley that I live in. They came here in the 1800's to farm and have been here ever since. Roads are named after my Great Uncles and Great Grandfather. Many of my friends think it is wonderful to have such a long standing connection to the valley and I have to admit it is pretty cool. Sometimes though I think of how huge the world is and how much I have missed out on by always living in the same place. I guess we can't have it both ways. 

102 of us gathering at Glenora hall just outside of Duncan. It was a fun day and I saw many of my cousins that I haven't seen in years. It was great to reconnect and hear a bit about what they are doing and where they are living. 

I am so thankful to have such a large family and so very very thankful that I was able to see my aunts and uncle again. It is so important to stay connected with family. Sometimes we start to take it all for granted and then suddenly they are no longer with us and we have missed out on opportunities to visit and catch up on life. 

It was a good day. Lots of food, lots of pictures and fun. I hope we stay is so easy now through the internet. Maybe we will gather again in a few more years. Family is such a gift and when 102 family come together it has to be pretty special!


  1. I can certainly understand your passion for this very special place, Linda. You are truly an "island girl", with every reason to feel great pride. What a wonderful celebration!

    1. It really was wonderful to connect with them all. Hopefully we shall stay in touch.
