Sunday, April 2, 2017

Extraordinary Day!

Today I joined a hiking group to and headed down to East Sooke Park to hike from Anderson Cove out to the beach along Copperhead Mine and back through Anderson Trail. It was a beautiful sunny day and just the perfect day to be out doors enjoying the forest, trees, creeks and then of course the beautiful views of the ocean. 

Today's hike was 12.5 km in length and took us about five hours to complete. The sun was shining, the sound of the wind blowing through the trees brought a peaceful feeling to me. I quietly hiked looking in all that surrounded me.  The many greens of the forest always looks so lush to me and the sound of the little creeks bring me joy. 

I had hiked along the coastal part of the trail before but one of the hikers had just recently moved here from Ontario. Although she has traveled all over the world, it was wonderful to hear and see her excitement upon reaching the water. Her excitement was contagious and gave us all a new appreciation for sights that were somewhat familiar to us. 

Our world is so full of so many beautiful places. I would love to travel and explore the world hiking and seeing all the wonders of this planet. However, although I am unable to travel everywhere I would like to go, I am so thankful that my island home is full of beautiful sights to see and places to have adventures in.  Sometimes the best places our right out our own back doors.

Whether I choose to drive north, south or west on the island there are mountains to explore, beaches to enjoy and many many lakes and rivers, each so very unique in their own way. There is always something new to see as nature is always changing and evolving. 

Life is not always easy and there always seems to be lots of horrid things happening in our world. So many people struggle with illnesses, both physical and mental. When it hits close to home it brings many worries to friends and families. Today I spent much of the time thinking of a friend who was just diagnosed with cancer. As I stood looking out at the ocean, feeling the wind off the water I prayed for all those who are struggling that they find strength, healing and peace. We never know what will come our way in life and if we think too much or worry too much about the future we will miss out on so much of today. 

I know the day will come when I am no longer able to climb the mountains or hike the trails. Each time I go out I spend time absorbing the sights and feelings that surround me. I breathe in deeply to connect with nature and all that it gives to us and I say "Thank you". Life is so short and we never know what tomorrow will bring. It is so important to live each day fully.  

Quite often in life we get used to the beauty that surrounds us and we forget how blessed we are. Things become ordinary instead of extraordinary. I continue to remind myself what a gift life is and not to take any moment of it for granted. I want to make memories that will carry me through long after I can't get out on the trails. I want to be able to look back and say WOW..wasn't that an extraordinary day! And today certainly was!


  1. Hi Linda, your well put words remind me of a beautiful book a friend once gave to me. My friend was a professor of religious studies at the time. The book was called "The Mystery of the Ordinary". In it, we are reminded of the special, even sacramental, nature of so much that has become commonplace in our lives. My friend is gone now, but the book is a reminder to me to find the "extraordinary" in the ordinary. Thank you for your words.

    1. Oh I love the title of that is so very true. Thanks Duncan for sharing and I hope you continue to find the extraordinary every single day!

    2. I love it too, Linda. The thing is, just about everything around us can become "ordinary" - just because we become accustomed to things and we begin to take them for granted. I remember when we first moved to the Island. I would be driving north on the highway, eyes as wide as saucers at the natural beauty. And then one day, some years later, on the way to do a pastoral visit, I suddenly realized that I was no longer seeing the passing scenery with the same eyes. It was then that I had to remember that there is immense "mystery" and beauty in what becomes familiar to us, "ordinary"...and once again, it was eyes as wide as saucers. :) I still have to regularly remind myself...but it's worth the effort and keeps the world, to use your word, "extraordinary". ;) Peace and love.
