Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Last Hikes in Scotland

I was very lucky to be able to quite a few more hikes before I had to head back to Canada. I had always wanted to hike up Sir Albert's Seat in Edinburgh, mainly because my daughter had hiked up there four years ago and it would be cool to be somewhere I knew she had traveled.

The Pathway up to Sir Albert's Seat
 It is just a short climb to the summit and the weather was not at it's best but we managed to make it up to the summit and get somewhat of a view of the city.
At the Summit
 The most impressive site I felt of the hike were the massive crags. Although we didn't hike up on top of them we did take the trail that was directly below them. The rock formation was just amazing and I could have spent hours just looking at them.
The Crags
 Last time I was here had we had hiked up Mount Schiehallion and I was thrilled to bag a munro so I was determined to get another one this trip. The mountain chosen was Mount Keen. It is a long hike into the mountain through fields filled with lovely sheep and their cute little lambs.

Heading up to Mount Keen

It was wonderful to walk along the trail and come upon this ancient well. There is something to be said for the history of this magical land. 
Queen Anne's Well

We had our first lunch break up above the stream that was running down in between the hills. The summit could be seen in the distance but was a long long ways off. 

Lovely creek running down through the hills
Finally in the distance we could see Mount Keen. It looked so very far away but the pathway wasn't too too steep. For some reasons the Scots have built stairs on many of the hills when you reach the steep part. It must have taken years and I'm not sure I enjoy going up them. 

Mount Keen in the distance

After a few hours of hiking we finally made it to the summit. I had been thinking we would never make it as there was a false summit so I prayed as I peeked over the last bit that this actually was the top and thankfully it was!

At the rocky summit
The views looking back down the trail were just amazing. It didn't matter which direction I looked, there were just more and more hills and valleys. A beautiful peaceful place to be.
The views!
Heading back down it was amazing to see how far we had hiked up. The trail faded out in the distance but it was neat to be able to see where we had been and where we were going. Much different than hiking at home where one was mostly in the trees. 

Heading back down the long trail...
Once down to the flat land we took a break for second lunch and a foot soak. Lovely clear cold water. The sound of the peaceful stream was soothing.
Time for a foot soak
This was one of my favourite hikes for sure. It had a bit of everything, views, history, streams, lambs and was very magical and another munro was in the bag!
Just like the treed land I love back home
One of our last hikes was to the Corrie Fee. Hiking through the trees made me feel at home and there was a lovely stream nearby. Once past the trees we came to the opening of the Corrie Fee. It was quite a way to hike but I really wanted to go up as far as the waterfall. It looked a lot further than it really was though. 
The waterfall in the distance...our goal
I was content to stop here but I am glad that we carried on and hiked right up to where the waterfall came down through the rocks. 
Almost there
I hiked down so that I could put my hands in the cool waters and just sat there silently soaking up the peacefulness of the place and the day. 
Cool fresh water pooling on it's way down
I headed down ahead of the others, just wanting to enjoy the quiet and soak up all the joy of the day. I knew it was my last big hike and wanted to make the most of it. 
Heading back down...can you find D & J

Arriving at the car park felt really good...it was a fun hike....not near as strenuous as hiking a munro. It had been a good day and a great holiday. There is just so much to see and do when one explores other countries that it is impossible to do it all. 
Back at the car park and time to say good bye to the hills of Scotland
There was so many more adventures that I totally enjoyed but it would take too long to share them all. Besides I am back home and have my own hills and mountains to explore. Life is too short to stay indoors! Life and nature awaits.

1 comment:

  1. Ah L, I missed this one! Such great memories. I'm so glad, and honoured, that we had another opportunity to share with you a taste of my birthplace. Now that we are back at Base Camp 1, I am reminded in so many ways, why you so love this wonderful Island. Great to share the forests, sunshine, waves...and a delicious scone today. Love from us. :)
