Monday, May 30, 2016

Old Man of Storr

This past week we journeyed to the Isle of Skye, something I have wanted to do for years. It was a quick trip but I was able to do one small hike up to the Old Man of Storr, a very popular place. The hike is steep but it only takes 45 minutes to reach the base.
Old Man Storr in the distance

 There is a longer loop trail which takes approximately three hours that goes past the Old Man and up to the summit plateau called The Storr. As our time was short and the weather a bit on the wet side we chose to do the shorter hike. The Old Man is a huge pinnacle standing 48 meters high on the side of Mount Storr and on a clear day it can be seen from miles away.

Looking back down towards the road
We were very lucky in being able to see the old Man as we approached and stopped to take a few pictures. By the time we arrived at the very busy parking lot the clouds were coming in and the spikey edges of the mountain were obscured from our view. Being a short hike we didn't bother with our hiking poles, something I would later regret.

Heading up the trail

We climbed up and up on the gravel path complete with rock stairs in places. It was quite cold and the rain came down hard in the wind by the time we reached its base. Once there we shared in a beautiful prayer, spoken in this very mystical place. There is something so special in being together in high spiritual places and being thankful to God.

Old Man Storr
I so wanted to climb up and touch the side of the rugged rock but I knew it wouldn't be a wise choice without my poles to come back down. To have come so far and to be so very close made it a very difficult decision to turn around. Had I been on my own I would have scrambled up the crevice but I didn't want to cause any concern to my hiking pals. This was true again on the way down as I attempted to nab a cache. There is only one cache up there and it is off the main trail. I did go a ways down and was within a 150 feet of it but my hiking partners were patiently waiting for me, the wind was very cold and strong and we were soaked. In fact I was beginning to wonder how safe it really would be to go further afar on the trail, so once again I let go of my desire and turned back.
In the mist standing at the base
Letting go is something I am constantly working on. Growing up I was a bit of a control freak and was very stubborn always wanting to have my own way and not giving in til my Mom caved in and said yes. Becoming a Mom myself, was my first lesson on letting go of my desires and doing what was right for someone else.  It was hard but when you love someone the letting go is much easier. In all relationships there has to be compromise. This is true when out hiking with others, you need to compromise at times to make sure everyone on the trail feels safe and isn't pushed beyond their comfort zone. As I looked up at the gigantic rock I said a quiet prayer being thankful for this mystical place, for the ability to be able to travel to Skye and hike up to the Old Man, and for my friends and hosts, Duncan and Joan, who without them none of this would have been possible. There are so many more important things in life than caches and desires. Life is full of dreams, family, friends and best of all fantastic adventures shared with those you love.

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