Saturday, February 16, 2013

Failure or Success, it all Depends on Your Perspective

This morning I decided to drive to a nearby town and do a hike long a creek and up to a lake. After all the hiking in Arizona I was missing being outside and exploring and as today was my only free day I decided to make the most of it and go for a 3 hour hike on my own.

I found the place to park the car with no problem and headed off on the easy trail that ran along a beautiful flowing creek. I was thankful to be reminded that there is beauty in nature right in the middle of a neighbourhood and that it wasn’t necessary to be in another country to find such gifts in nature. It was also good to know that I could get out and have these adventures on my own. I had packed my backpack with water, snack and with music to listen to and happily walked and ran along the trail.

Harrison Creek
There were two loops to the trail, the Harrison Creek trail and the Heart Lake trail. My plan was to take the first half of the Creek Trail and then turn off and go to the Lake Trail, not doing the full loop but I planned to turn off of it to hike straight up to the lake at the top where the website promised me fantastic views.

I must admit it was a little scary being on my own as there were posting on the signs warning of bears but the trail was well marked with big map signs as I went along and I had my music to keep me company. I managed to turn off and head to the Lake trail where I once again stopped and checked out the map. Now if I had been smart I would have taken a picture of it so that I could check it on my way as this loop was over 6km’s long and I had no intention of doing the whole loop, just taking the 20 minute hike up to the Lake. As I headed along the trail, which really was a logging road, I felt I had gone too far but then right around the next corner was a post with a red top that said Lake Loop – 6.4kms so I headed up the steep incline towards the lake. It went on and on and up and up...I was getting very tired and very concerned. Finally I thought...this can’t be it ...I am on the Loop trail not the trail to the Lake so I grumpily turned around and headed back down.  I was very disappointed in myself and well to be honest had quite the pity party as I walked back down to the post and then to the map. Upon reaching the map I still really couldn’t figure out which way I needed to go to the Lake...I honestly could not make sense of where I stood and whether I should go right or left so I headed back to the car in a foul mood.
Where I think I made a wrong turn??

I knew this pity party needed to stop and that I needed to feel thankful for what I was experiencing. Seeing there was no one else around to give me a stiff kick in the butt I felt I better do it myself. So I made myself focus on all the good things of the day, the sights I had seen, the enjoyment of being outdoors with the sun shining. Then I thought of all of my friends who were not with me because of health issues, some battling cancer and others having their mobility slow fade away from suffering with MS. I have such a wonderful life and I am so very thankful for all that life has given me yet somehow it is so easy to slip into those pity parties.

The unattained goal on the distant hilltop.
So if nothing else, I had a good two hour hike, I listened to some inspiring music, I saw beautiful waterfalls and spent time being thankful for all of creation. I learned that one should take a map with them, and be mindful along the trail. The hike, well maybe it was a failure but in so many other ways it was a success. It really does depend on one’s perspective. To me focusing on the positive, although not always easiest, is certainly the healthiest. Next Saturday...look out Lake ...I am determined to find you!
Beauty in Nature


  1. "Failure or success, it all depends on your perspective" - yes, I completely agree, Lindy. And the good news is that every failure is a step towards success. Another excellent "ramble from the heart". :) D.

  2. Thanks D,
    I shall be out with the map for your "always great advice" on where I went wrong so that next time the hike can be even more successful:)
    It has now become a personal challenge!
