Friday, August 3, 2012

Car decals

Last year my youngest daughter decorated the back window of her vehicle with the members of her household....not of all her family but of those she lives with. She had herself, her partner, his cat, her fish and has now added two rabbits. I think it is so cool. Now when I drive or walk around town I can’t help but notice the is amazing to me all the children and pets some folks have.

I myself am not one to put stickers on my car but I love these family decals. It makes me believe that in this world of violence, crime and wars there is still so much love. The people that place these decals on their cars are proud of the people in their home and are placing the stickers on their vehicles with love.

I once lived in a household with two adults, three children, two cats, a dog and a rabbit. It would be so cool to place all these stickers on my window but my life has since changed. My children are all adults and have moved out, the pets have all passed on except for one and I moved out on my own many years ago.  So here is my problem. I love the decals. I want to put them on my car, but I live alone with a fish.  I have a fairly large family, I have loads of wonderful loving friends but the fact is I live alone with a fish. It is all basically by choice but I am too embarrassed to only put myself and a fish on the back of my car for all to see and I am not sure why. I feel it might make me look unlovable and although I used to feel that way at times, I certainly don’t now.

A friend of mine wrote a wonderful blog about humility and being humble and it has given me lots to think about.  I guess I need to be humble about who I am and face the fact that I live alone with a fish. I always seem to have so much pride. It has gotten me into so much trouble and in some cases caused me a lot of pain. Hopefully these past experiences have taught me something. Yet, I am not sure what I will do....swallow my pride and get the two decals, go and buy a dog so I have at least three decals, or just drive around envious of all those out there with their back windows full.

In a few months I will celebrate my birthday and move into the next decade. I would like to think that it will bring great change in myself and that I will be a wiser, better and more humble person. I mean really my life is more than half over, it is time to “grow up”.  Its not that I walk around being boastful about myself, nor do I think I am this great wonderful person, but the thought of having only myself and a fish on the back of my window does somehow bring embarrassment to me.

So the question is....will I do it? Will I be brave enough? And most importantly can I be humble enough to let every who sees me in my car know that , well....I live alone with a fish?

1 comment:

  1. What a great post, Lindy, on many levels. You've certainly got us thinking about decals too. I think for us it will have to be five: A man and a woman (us)...and three sea kayaks. That's pretty much the family that actually lives in our house! Watch for further development on the back window of our HMKTV (High Mobility Kayak Transport Vehicle. :)

    As for your back window, I don't think there's enough room for all the folks that consider themselves as being part of your "family". You are very blessed.
