I seem to be making more and more changes to my lifestyle these days and some of it is rather shocking even to me. I mean, last fall I joined a gym, I now eat three or four times the vegetables I used to, I started eating salads with spinach, I’ve added beans to my diet and now the shocker of all shocker is I have just started to drink soy milk. I had decided to try a soy based shake to help me get the nutrients I need plus I am hoping it will help me lose my tummy fat. So the other day I bought the soy milk and tried it. It really is okay and tastes pretty good in the shake. But now well let me be truly honest, the real reason I have sunk to the soy level.....HOT FLASHES. They started two months ago and are literally driving me insane. I know I will survive because every other woman has but really they are a bit much. They come on 24/7 and seem to zap my energy along with any brain cells I may have been trying to use at the time. Needless to say I have not been working to my full capacity because I am sleep deprived, hot and sweaty and then cold and shaky. I dress in layers, the sweaters go on and then sweaters come off. Going to the gym is almost a nightmare. I have never been one to perspire much but now my body turns into a lake. At night the covers are many and deep and then they are tossed aside in a hurried frenzy. At times I just want out of my skin it is so hot. Fifteen minutes later it ends and I grab, re-sort the covers and bury myself back under them and try to feel warm even though I am now freezing cold and clammy. It truly is enough to make one go insane.
For years I have always given God a female gender even though I really don’t believe God has any gender at all but it has been fun to tease and irk some people. Frankly at this point in my life I can’t even joke about it because I believe God is creator of all and there isn’t a chance in h____ anything female would even consider dumping all this on a person. Personally I really have no idea what males go through with their bodies as they journey through life but in my opinion I think women have gotten a bad deal and these last two months have confirmed my beliefs. I may even have to agree that God must be male...it really seems to be the only reasoning in all of this.
So life shall carry on but if you happen to run into me be prepared. I may be cold, I may be hot. I may begin to remove clothing from my body, fan myself and totally speak incoherently (although I do this regularly anyway) but as with everything in life...this too will pass....I just hope it passes very quickly and I can get back to my breakfast of honey nut cheerios and my regular moo milk. I mean I don’t want to get too healthy. It may give people the wrong impression and they will start to feed me mushrooms or tofu J
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