Once a year my very sweet daughter in Comox takes me on a snowshoe adventure up in Strathcona Park. This year we decided that we would try and make it all the way to Helen McKenzie Lake. In the past we have made it to Battleship and then come back. We lucked out and the day was sunny and warm.
We headed out across the meadow following the Outback trail which is now marked and free. (Although not knowing this we did pay)
We found the trail turnoff to Battleship without any problems and headed up the trail through the trees. It goes up for some distance but in many ways seems much easier to do in the winter than it does hiking it in the summer. However the snow was very icy due to some rain that had fallen so I had to be careful.
Upon reaching the lake we snowshoed out to the island where we stopped for our snack and found a cache besides. From here we just had to hike down the lake and cross over to Helen McKenzie, probably only another 30 minutes. Half way down the lake my snow shoe got stuck in the snow and I did an acrobatic dance landing flat out on my face. It was rather embarrassing but we had a good laugh once I got back up.
We were not sure of which trail to take so we followed another group that was heading in the same direction. We came to a lake but not the lake we were suppose to be at so we decided to "bushwack" making our own trail in the direction of the lake. Thankfully there was service so the map on my phone let us know where we needed to be.
After taking the long way back we were once again on Battleship heading for home. It is a very long skinny lake and I imagine that is how it got it's name. 
Lunch break on the side of the lake in a place where someone had carved out a snow bench to sit on in the snow. It was good to stop and I felt much better knowing we would soon be back to the trails.
Upon reaching the carpark I looked up and there was Mount Albert Edward, a mountain I am proud to have summited. It is always great to look up and see it there in the distance.

It was a great day from start to finish and I am so grateful that my daughters continue to take me out on the trails. I am very blessed to have one here in town and one up north so that my adventures can cover both ends of the island. Today's four hour journey took us out into nature and left us feeing rebooted for life.