Then for Easter breakfast they come to my place and Nana hides eggs out in the backyard for my grandkids to find. They each have their own coloured basket and find that colour of egg. They may get the odd candy in the eggs but mostly they are filled with healthier choices. Now that there are 7 of them I am not sure what will happen as the eggs only come in six colours!
This year's gonna be very different.
Our world is trapped indoors with a virus running rampant among the people of this world. We are social distancing and self isolating to try and avoid the spread and the strain it puts on our hospitals and workers. Most people are now working from home, churches and businesses are closed. Streets are rather quiet.
It's been a long hard month with not seeing my grand babies and my children. It's even harder on my parents who have been trapped at home seeing none of their friends and not being allowed to do their own shopping. The elderly are the most vulnerable so they need to do what they can to stay safe. Thankfully I am able to do their shopping and drop it off once a week and visit with them on the porch or go for a walk.
Now I have to confess I have gone on one social distance hike with a friend and it was great. We stayed six feet apart and enjoyed being outdoors. Most of the people we saw were doing the same and there was great respect shown.
I also met with my daughter's family from up island twice to exchange some items and enjoy a walk, six feet apart and a tailgate picnic. Her babies are both under two so they are easily contained and don't try to run to see Nana. It has been hard not being there to help them with their newborn who is now a month old. I am missing out on so much but I am thankful I get to see them from a distance. My other grandkids, well the two older ones understand but the three year olds don't so I haven't been able to go on any outings with them.
I have seen them to chat once or twice though in their vehicle and we are getting much better at video chats. I am sure it is even harder on them that it is on me and for all the parents out there, it's gotta be tough. No playgrounds are open, no parks and no friends can come over.
It's definitely a different world out there and we will be living like this for at least two more months. Thankfully here on the island there are very few people with it and mostly only 1 or 2 new cases a day which is good news for us all. It's very hard on people's mental health, such a sense of aloneness.
It's important that we all do our part I guess as hard as it is. I still walk every day and will continue to do the odd hike even though they are closing most of the parks and trails. Thankfully the CVRD hasn't closed the local ones yet. It's a shame that a few people have to ruin it for everyone but that is what is happening.
So this Easter, well I will just relax at home and think back on the past Easters and smile with good memories. We will pray that next year we can all be together again and share in the fun and not just virtually. Staying home keeps us safe and that is what matters - that we are all still her next year to celebrate!