Saturday, June 9, 2018

I wonder...

I wonder....words that often go through my mind. There is so much in our world to wonder about. At our church in our Sunday school program for children they use the Godly Play program which tells the stories and then has the children wonder about them and ask questions. What a wonderful way to learn about life and our world. There are so many unanswered questions in life so we all must have many times of wonder.
I have just returned from a trip through our lovely Rocky Mountains here in BC and Alberta. It was four days of just being surrounded by magnificent creation and beauty. 

 They are so amazing! We drove from Vancouver Island in BC out to Calgary Alberta going through four Provincial Parks all full of wonderful, some gigantic, towering mountains and the beauty of it was that no two were alike. 

There were many different shape sizes and colours of trees and rock.

 I could have just stared at them for hours. Many still had snow on the top and crevasses where the snow lay deep. 

Some were bowl shaped with deep snow, others had waterfalls pouring down their sides. 

As we drove along the words "I wonder" were constantly going through my mind. As a student I loved geography.

I loved learning about how the mountains and layers of rocks were formed. Sadly most of the detailed information has left me. So I couldn't help but wonder how these beautiful formations were created. 

Why some had sharp peaks, why others dropped off suddenly and why some were rounded on top. 

In some ways I think the mountains are so much like ourselves. We are all so very different and no two are 100 percent alike. 

We are all physically different and the circumstances of our life have helped to create our personalities. Just like the mountains different circumstances have created unique people. As with the mountains, we are all beautifully created and all wonderfully made and just as I wonder about the mountains we can also wonder about people.  What has made them become the people they are. Even though we may wonder about their choices or ways we can still accept them just as they are.

Just like these "Three Sisters" we can be created similar and yet differently and all live in peace side by side each of us with our own gifts and beauty. I truly believe we can have peace in this world...when and how will that happen? I can only wonder...