I am so thankful for all of the great adventures I have had with friends over this past year. Thankful to be able to get out in nature and explore and see some of the wonders of this world.
The year began with a little place - Crofton Lake,
followed by snowshoeing with my daughter and son-in-law in Strathcona Park. Always a fun time!
Then there was the wonderful hike with my Mom, who is in her 80's - taking her to Stoney Hill was a gift I will always be grateful for!
It was a year full of hikes - East Sooke Park with the hiking group,
a couple of trips to Gabriola with my pals
a few nice hikes over on the Sunshine Coast during vacation time. A wonderful place to explore and explore.
There were also many quick hikes up Mount Tzouhalem, Stoney Hill and Genoa Bay on days when there wasn't time to venture further a field.
Hiking with my grandchildren at Goldstream Park, Eves Park, Kinsol Trestle and Stoney Hill are adventures I will also treasure.
It was a year full of blessings as I welcomed two new little boys into my life. There will now be four little ones to take out into the woods and explore the trails and beaches of our island. Seeing nature through their young eyes has me being more appreciative of the little things in creation.
In among the hikes there were also a couple of trips out in the kayak with my friends, times that I always look forward to and am thankful for. Exploring the land from the sea is always a delight - its fun to look at the shoreline and see it all from a different view. Like looking at life from both sides.
In the fall I also did a 43km walk with my sister and friends. It was a long day hiking on the Trans Canada trail from Shawnighan Lake to Lake Cowichan. A wet day but certainly one to be treasured.
I also finally made it out to Avatar Grove thanks to my friends. The old growth forest and huge trees are just amazing out there.
There were way too many hikes on the island to even try to mention them all but as for hiking the highlight of my year was definitely my four day hiking trip in Strathcona Park with the Walker family. We hiked up Mount Albert Edward - a climb that had me out of my comfort zone and reaching new heights. It was a hike that brought me new confidence and an achievement I will always be proud of.
"Some might call it confidence, others name it faith, but if it makes us brave the label doesn't matter for it's the thing that frees us to embrace life itself."
These words are so true - the label doesn't matter but what does matter is that we find confidence or have faith in ourselves so that we can be brave to try new adventures. Adventures outdoors, adventures in our careers anything that has us embracing life. As we all know life is so short and so precious. Being able to try new things, explore new avenues and celebrate life has us living life to its fullest.
I am so thankful for my family and friends who were there filling this year full to the brim with new adventures, new life and new accomplishments. Looking ahead to 2018 - I can't imagine how it will ever top this year but in its own way I have faith that it will. Staying positive in a world so full of angst is not always easy but we must be free to embrace all that life has to give us. In striving for and reaching new heights and accomplishments we gain the strength to handle the down times that occur. I will have faith, I will be free to embrace life and all that it blesses me with. Wishing us all a year full of new adventures - welcome 2018!