Monday, October 23, 2017

Fullness of Life

Its been two months since I have posted a blog. It's been two months of family, friends and adventures. My life is so full that each day blends into the next. I am always busy and the weeks just fly by. I work full time, I am blessed with having my family all live here on the island and am thankful to have friends adventurous as myself. 

I wonder though, is having a busy life, a life that is full with so many wonderful things - is it the same as living life to the fullest. I don't have huge dreams really and am grateful for all that life has brought to me but today I got to wondering if I should strive for more. 

Life here on the island is wonderful. You can hike year round and the ever changing beauty of nature always brings me great joy. In the last two months I have enjoyed so much. Walked 43km's with my sister and friend, 

checked out the Chemainus Estuary with my daughter, granddaughter and grandson,

went to the community fair with my family,

 finally made it out to Avatar grove to see the huge trees, 

traveled up to Buttle Lake and hiked to both Upper 

and Lower Myra falls with my daughter and son in law,

shared in Thanksgiving dinner with family and friends, 

went to the abyss and explored the Extension Ridge trail,

and then down to Sooke Potholes. Each adventure brought a sense of awe and filled my heart with joy. 

I'm so thankful and grateful that the people in my life love to be outdoors as much as I do.

 I am not sure what I would do if I wasn't out there exploring the trails each weekend. Being outdoors brings me such fulfillment, the same feeling I get when I spend time with my family. 

My little grandchildren have me seeing life from different views. They make me laugh as they giggle and help me to be childlike. They make all of  life seem so simple.

My favourite season is autumn and the trees are now turning to their golden yellow and some reds. It's beautiful to be out on the trails among the marvelous trees, so full of colour. 

I was explaining to my granddaughter how the trees change each season. She is only two and too young to remember that the trees were bare last winter.

 I so look forward to being able to take the young ones out on the trails and share the gifts that creation gives to us. The beauty and wonder I find along the trails so much more meaningful when I can share it with friends and family.

So am I living life to the fullest or is my life overfull with busyness? I'm not sure I have the answer to that but I do know I will continue to find the time to be with family and friends, to explore nature and be in awe of its wonder and to make the most of all that I have been blessed with in life. 

I realize there is so much more to life than all I have done and all I will be able to do. Time goes by so very quickly and my pal is right - we must make the most of each precious moment in time. Does that make one's life full or fulfilling - maybe it's a bit of both. I'll just be grateful for it, either way.