The conversations these benches have heard and the memories they hold would make a lovely book. I enjoy taking pictures of the benches, waiting there, to be filled with adventurous folk.
This past week as I came across these benches I thought about how empty they look, sitting there waiting. In life we can sometimes have that empty feeling inside of us. A feeling of unfulfillment, loneliness or of something just missing. Even when our lives are filled with the busyiness of life, filled with family and friends there can be a small spot of emptiness.
Being outdoors always brings me a sense of gratefulness. Grateful for this wonderful planet we live on, grateful for all of natures beauty and all the places I am able to visit.
Mostly in life I believe we need to be thankful for all of our family and friends, those people whom we love and who love us in return. The people we journey with who will sit next to us on the empty bench and be there with us as we absorb and "fill" that emptiness we may have inside.
It's important to take that ten minutes each day to stop what we are doing, take a few deep breaths and look at all we have in our lives, count our blessings and let that grateful feeling expand and fill the emptiness we may be feeling.
We need to have meaning and purpose in life, we have to feel valued and value ourselves. Life is short and we don't want to spend it just waiting, waiting like the benches, waiting to be filled. We need to get outdoors and live life, be adventurous and absorb all of the gifts we have been granted and say "thank you".
To those folks who take care of our planet, to those who build the walkways and trails, to those who place the benches for us to rest on and take in the wonderful views that surround us I say "thank you" for all that you do and all that you have done - it has brought joy and fulfillment to so many. And especially to those who are always there in my life journeying along beside me, to those who gave me an appreciation for the outdoors and allowed my adventurous spirit to explore the trails, and to those who sit beside me on the benches, for all of you, I am most thankful, you have helped me to feel valued and to be filled with gratefulness.