Friday night we took a quick stroll down to the beach to walk the dog. The wind was blowing and the waves were large and foaming on the shoreline. Walking near the ocean in the wind is one of my favourite things to do and it always brings a smile to my face.
It just feels so good to have the wind on my face and even better if the sun is shining as well. It's a great way to connect with creation and be thankful for the simple things in life.
Saturday we took off to Nymph Falls and went in the opposite direction of the falls hoping to make it to Comox Lake and the damn approximately 6 kms away. It was a beautiful trail that followed the river for some time before heading off into the woods. It was very quiet in the woods and gave us a wonderful time to chat and catch up. We really didn't see any other people on the trail and at times the quietness of the forest was rather spooky. Looking across the river at the swans against the frozen snow brought a sense of peace and calm.
There was much more snow on the trail than we had anticipated so we had to turn around before reaching our destination. However I do hope to give it another go in the spring when the walking will be much easier and the scenery will be full of different colour.
We headed out and went off trail through the trees breaking our own trail. It was quiet and magical.
The snow drifts were clear of any tracks and we felt like we were out in our own little world. Eventually the snow stopped and the sun came out and the whiteness of the snow and the views were just amazing.
We stopped on the side of the small hill and shared in a lunch before heading back up hill to the vehicle.
Upon reaching the crest of a small hill we posed for some silhouette pictures against the sun, however I stepped on my own snow shoe and tumbled backwards into my daughter sending us both into the snow with lots of laughter.
It was a weekend full of fun and laughter and most of that laughter was at myself and to me that is the best kind of laughter. When one feels free and safe enough to just laugh at their own fears or silliness with people they love it restores. It drains away the tension caused by stress and just allows one to have relaxing fun and forget about the rest of the world, if only for a few minutes.
I am thankful that I am able to escape from the "real" world and enjoy time out in nature. So many folks are unable to. They are dealing, on a daily basis, with the horror of others cruelty because of their race, religion or other factors in their lives. Today as I returned to work and folks shared with me their disgust over what is happening in our world this week, I was able to just sit and listen and be present thanks to my restorative weekend. I find the politics on our world frustrating because it gives me a sense of helplessness. I feel there is nothing I can to do that will make things right with the world. Thankfully, when life gets too full of cruelty and negativity I shall be able to look back at this weekend and remember the laughter and "escape" once again for a few moments of time. If only it was so easy for all.