It’s been a month since my month long holiday in the UK. It was a fantastic holiday time spent exploring coastlines, hills, valleys and towns. I also made sure to attend church each week to continue my spiritual practise of worship. I continued to reflect on my spiritual life as I walked the trails, climbed the hills and swam in the cold North Sea. Being out in nature brings me closer to God than sitting in a church service and yet the church gifts to me the friendships of people following the same faith. The greatest gift this holiday brought to me was being able to experience my faith outside the church. Travelling with a minister and his wife allowed me to experience prayers and communion on hilltops. It brought my faith outside the church and into nature. For a short while I experienced the best of both worlds and am so grateful for this gift.
As I sat on the hilltops (really mountain tops) over in Scotland and looked down on the valleys below I realized how small I am in this vast world. Not only in size but in hearing the history that goes back thousands of years I gained a new perspective on how short my life here will be here. At one point I realized I am smaller than a speck of dust on a windowsill and that my life will be over in just a quick flash of time. The things that go on in my life, the things I worry about, the things I complain about really don’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Each moment is so precious because when you look back on your life what happened forty years ago seems like just yesterday.
Looking out towards the ocean from the hilltop - Dunadd |
Returning to the “real” world after a month has been very difficult. In the prayers on the hilltops my friend reminded me how we all have to come down from the mountain top and back to our lives but when we look down from the mountain top and into the valley below we can see how really small our worries and struggles are. Hopefully we come down with the realization that life is a gift to be treasured and each day needs to be fully lived in whatever way one can. I have come down from the mountains filled with thanksgiving for all that I have but in many ways I am still struggling. I returned to the death of a few church members, good people who died too young. I returned to the news that two of my good friend’s siblings are dying from cancer both only ten years older than I am. I returned to read the news each day of unnecessary wars in far off countries. Once again I am reminded how precious life is.
Down in the valley - "Life in the "real" world |
I find it so frustrating as the news continues to be filled with the deaths of war. These two groups of people, following different faiths, are ruthlessly killing men, women and children over a small piece of land. There is no reason why they cannot share the land and live together in peace just as we do in the western world. When I read the news and see how different people’s lives and struggles are in this vast world it just astounds me. In one country we have people using missiles to kill innocent people, in another we have athletes from various countries gathering to compete in many different sporting events cheering each other on, shaking hands and sharing hugs with their competitors. How can one part of th world be consentrating on what might seem as frivlous sports while other people are being so destructive and taking innocent lives. People are dying enough from horrid diseases in this world, we don’t need to add to it but sending off missiles and creating wars.
When my time on this planet ends I hope I can look back on my life and be thankful for all that I have enjoyed, all that I have done, and hopefully be able to say I made a difference in one person's life. I can’t imagine what the leaders of this world who have caused such destruction will think about their life when they look back. Will they feel remorse over the lives they have senselessly taken, will they suddenly realize that they have wasted their own gift of life? I truly believe that all people of this world can live in peace and that all people want to live in peace but it will take the leaders of this world to stop and listen and really hear each other’s stories before peace will happen. The leaders of our countries who stand by and do nothing are just as guilty as the leaders of those countries who enter into war. Life is a precious gift and each of us deserves to and should have the right to live it as best we can in a world of peace. There is enough for all if we would only share what resources we have, including the land and water that this planet has gifted to us.
What an amazing world we live in....the view from Schiehallion |
I have returned home but a part of me remains on the hilltops looking down into the peaceful valleys of Scotland, rejoicing in all that I have been blessed to be a part of. It is an escape from the worries, an escape from the news, it is a place that brings me peace and thankfulness and reminds me to live each day to it’s fullest.