Monday, September 2, 2013

An Amazing Day for a Farewell

I have been very privileged over these past few years to use my friends' cabin for retreat weekends....a great place to get away from life and just be with creation and God. A time to refresh, renew and re-energize. Each time I walked through the cabin door I have been instantly surrounded by a calming sense of peace. Sometimes I have gone alone and other times taken a friend to share the experience with. I have posted a few blogs on here about my time at the cabin sharing pictures to show how colourful nature is during different seasons.
 Next week the cabin will change hands and new folks will arrive to enjoy the beautiful wooded area and the ocean view so Saturday I once again took the ferry across to Gabriola to say farewell to the cabin and share the day with my friends who had so generously shared their cabin with me.
I left a sunny Nanaimo but as we crossed the water I could see a huge bank of fog surrounding the island and coming our way...Looking forward and then turning and looking back was like being in between two warm sunny and  welcoming and one dark and gloomy looking. It made me think of the sadness that would come in saying goodbye, thankfully though, only to the cabin and not to my friends.

The fog surrounding Gabriola
Upon arrival I was fed a lovely pancake breakfast and as I sat there chatting away I surveyed my surroundings remembering all the great times I had spent there, the card games, the puzzles, the night time sharing of stories while tucked in bed, the quiet meditative times of solitude, the wonderful warm fires, the laughter and the meals shared with friends. Looking out the window at the ocean view seeing the ferries going by with the wonderful coastal mountains in the background I couldn’t help but be thankful to be there again.

The morning was spent hiking along my favourite trail, the route I would take each morning from the cabin which took me through the trees, along my favourite rock pathway that looked like it was paved and eventually down to the water. I love to take my shoes off and go and play in the waves and today it was perfect. The skies had cleared, the sun was shining and someone had made a lovely path down to the water through the rocks. Within five minutes I was out in the waves having fun and my friends soon joined me. Though certainly not planned for, having not brought my swim suit, but for reasons beyond my control, I ended up enjoying a lovely refreshing swim as well which caused much laughter, especially for one of us! (Someday I shall get even with him ;).)
My pathway through the trees.

Later while sharing lunch on the deck these huge birds began to fly over our heads swooping down in front of us and amongst the trees. It began with one bird but eventually there were 8 of them. Such wide wing spans, such graceful creatures. It was so peaceful to sit there and watch them. It felt very special to be witness to their flight and gave me a spiritual feeling of awe over creation. lt made the day even more perfect.

Bird in flight
After one more adventure to walk along the rocky beach across from Entrance Island we packed up and headed for the ferry. Before we left I walked around the cabin inside and out...taking it all in and tucking it away in my memory. I was feeling very emotional and sad but with all the good memories and laughter of the day I was able to smile and leave feeling good about life. I have had so many good days and fun times at the cabin and I know there will be more to come...not at that cabin but some other place, some other time there will be weekends of retreats and adventures shared with friends or alone that refresh and spiritually renew. In the meantime I shall be ever thankful and grateful for my kinds friends generousity and willingness to share their sacred space.

Two very special and generous friends.

Thank you my friends, for sharing your home away from home and always making me feel welcome at your special cabin in the woods.