Today I have learned that it is very hard to pretend to be something you are not. I want to be serious, professional and quietly friendly. Unfortunately my sense of humour comes flying out from all directions and sometimes quite in appropriately. So what should be a quiet office, somehow gets turned into a room full of laughter and joking. It is good energy but not what one maybe would expect to find. I honestly tried today to be quiet, polite and business like.....I didn't suceed.
“God don’t make no junk” implies that we are all as we should be so why do we continue to desire to grow and change and become more than we are. Without growth, emotionally and spiritually, where would we all be today and what would our future hold. How does one be content with who they are today and not crave for change to be something more. Lesson learned: I cannot be something I am not until the time is right. Pretending doesn't work.